Poets A-Plenty Fill the New Deal in Two Languages

Poets A-Plenty Fill the New Deal in Two Languages
Poets and participants at the 4th annual Poetry Moment Reception at the New Deal Cafe, Sunday, April 3. Front row (l to r): Barbara Simon, Jennifer Solis, Janet Walenta, Peggy Rooney, Barbara Young, Betty Goodins, Osiri Rebollo. Back row (l to r): Mayor Emmett Jordan, Leeann Irwin, Chris Farrago, John Drago, Ana Gasper, Hiram Larew, Rob Soley, Clara Majors, Joe Baldi. Photo by

The Poetry Moment at the New Deal Café, in honor of National Poetry Month, was a multi-language, multi-media event that filled the cafe’s back room. Held on April 3, this was the café’s first English/ Spanish poetry read held in honor of Juan Felipe Herrera, the current U.S. Poet Laureate. Mayor Emmett Jordan opened playing guitar, followed by readings in both English and Spanish with Jan Knutson providing a Latin guitar ending to the afternoon. Friends of the New Deal Café Arts and the Greenbelt Latino Arts Committee sponsored the event.