Greenbelt City Council met with the chairs of city advisory boards and committees during a worksession on July 17. This annual meeting provides an opportunity for councilmembers to speak with advisory groups regarding their activities, challenges, concerns, issues and accomplishments.
Advisory group members are appointed by the council. Vacancies on boards and committees continue to be an important issue. The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) has four vacancies, Green ACES has three, Ethics Commission and the Employees Relations Board each have two, and the Board of Elections and the Forest Preserve Advisory Board each have one. Those interested in joining one of the advisory groups can apply through the city website at Applicants must be willing to attend at least one meeting with their desired board or committee before being accepted.
YAC will reach out to 16- and 17-year-old students to encourage them to vote in city elections this November. They will be holding youth events and visiting schools to remind students to register. YAC is also working to educate students about human trafficking and how to reduce crime in the community. The committee plans to reach out to youth in Greenbelt Station, and hopes to hold a Youth Night Out there in September or October.
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