Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court.
Height is measured to the nearest half inch above. Minimum height is 1.5”. The maximum height less than a full page is 14.5” and a full page is 16”. If ads are not correct to these widths we need to adjust the size resulting in an additional charge if the ad is taller as a result. These widths account for gutters between columns.
Take or mail the balance to our office at the Greenbelt Community Center, Suite 100, 15 Crescent Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770 with the ad (or email the ad and take in payment). Place in the mail slot in the door or knock on the door for access during office hours Monday and Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.