Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Help The News Review

Become a Media Mogul:

The Greenbelt News Review is a worker cooperative – and formally registered itself as such in 1941.  Although it gets some special tax treatment, it is NOT a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, but a corporation.  Members own it and are paid dividends as a corporation owner would be.  To become a member, a new person is first a volunteer.  By performing three tasks as a volunteer (be it shifts, story writing or whatever) the person qualifies to become a member on the recommendation of their team lead. 

Members receive dividends (or may decline them).  Dividends are income and are reported to IRS on a 1099-PATR which must be filed by the newspaper for anybody earning $10 or more in the year.  Recipients must include this income on a tax form (Schedule C) of the 1040 and thus require an additional form in your tax preparation.  Dividends are in the range of $5 per shift or $10 to $20 for a story. 

The Greenbelt News Review has been produced by its volunteers and members and delivered to the Greenbelt community since 1937 without having missed one issue! This remarkable feat would not have been possible without the commitment and hard work of many hundreds of dedicated individuals over the years.

We welcome, and need, fresh thoughts and new faces, hands and brains, and insights from Greenbelt’s diverse population to allow our paper to continue its proud tradition and serve all Greenbelters. You can become a part of this group by offering your skills, interest and experience in a volunteer position with the paper.


 The News Review is delighted to receive contributions.  Because we are not a 501(c)(3), these contributions by our readers are NOT tax deductible to the giver.  We also pay tax on them as income.  But income is income – even after taxes (which we only pay if we make money).  So it all helps.  

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