An enthusiastic and appreciative audience filled the house for the 26th annual production of the Greenbelt Youth Musical, Secret Circus, directed and written by Greenbelt Recreation’s Performing Arts Coordinator Chris Cherry, with musical direction by Stefan Brodd and production design by Nicole DeWald.
With a bare stage, a few rolling set pieces, simple choreography and beautiful costumes, the emphasis of the production is on the cast of 29 young performers, who bring enthusiasm and joy to the catchy tunes and clever wordplay of Cherry’s work. Every song brings the audience to loud applause, interspersed with happy cheers.
The musical showcases the talents of several strong leads, while also building ensembles who work together to present show pieces like the Playing Cards, the Equestrians and the little dogs with their mischievous leader Malarkey (Levi Baker). Kira Wilkinson as Madame Zara commands the stage as the fortuneteller who runs the circus. Hannah Baker grounds the show with her calm portrayal of Anya, a young woman whose physical disability marks her as a target for the Paper Doll Police, a group of dangerous authoritarians whose hatred of difference threatens the unique folks of the Circus. Ezra Pitts gives Ezra the Lion terrific comic energy, shining as bright as his gorgeous costume. The sideshow prodigies, including “seal boy” Rufus (Shawford Jackson) and “elephant princess” Titania (Ida Ellison) capture hearts with their wit, humor and dignity. Leo Casalini, as Colonel Maximoff of the Paper Doll Police, gives chills as he describes the evil goals of his party’s regime: to stamp out anyone who does not or will not conform.
Characters did not use JEDI keywords like justice, equity, diversity and inclusion, but rather learned and demonstrated these precious values as they grew to see beyond surface differences to unite against fear and threats. Murmurs of approbation from the audience indicated that this play was well chosen for 2025.
The final performances of Secret Circus will be held in the Community Center gym on Saturday, March 8 at 2 and 7 p.m. The production will surely sell out, so buy tickets soon at the Community Center business office.