Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Women’s March Challenges Greenbelters to Get Downtown

Many women (and men) from Greenbelt expect to take part in the Women’s March on January 21 in Washington, D.C. Many are using Facebook to link up and make plans to march together. People are opening their houses to friends they haven’t seen for years who want to come and march. And there are semiorganized groups within the city that are working to get ready. “There are so many reasons to march,” said Rachel Alexander. As the founding organizer of the Concerned Women of Greenbelt, a group of about 60, Alexander put together a letter expressing the group’s anger at Presidentelect Trump. “Recently a group of concerned women gathered to support each other and reaffirm our core beliefs,” her letter said. “As citizens of Greenbelt and of the United States we need to actively say: It is NOT OKAY for anyone to be threatened for following their religious beliefs.” The letter, which was published as a paid advertisement in the Greenbelt News Review on December 1, goes on to express many other aspects of Trump’s behavior that are not okay. The march is another active way of saying these things, said Alexander. More on this story – click here