On Saturday, December 10 from 5 to 8 p.m., Venture Crew 746 held their second annual Winter Wonderland holiday fundraiser at Mowatt Memorial United Methodist Church.
The event featured intricate decorations along a lighted walk through the woods, campfires and a scavenger hunt. Other activities included face painting, a visit from Santa and a 15-minute performance of A Christmas Carol, by the Kate Robinson Teen Players. There was also live music from Greenbelt Honk! and a police dog demonstration by the Greenbelt Police Department. The Greenbelt Municipal Swim Team and Greenbelt Elementary School had information tables and some fun activities. Christian Horchler, the lead youth coordinator said, “The event was a success! Our turnout was just over 300 people – that’s 100 more than last year. The generous proceeds from our event will be put back into the crew and used to fund gear, equipment and travel-related expenses.”
Venturing Crew 746 is a troop of scouts ages 14 to 21 who go on trips and have adventures in the wild. In July the crew spent a week canoeing and exploring the Adirondack Mountains. Venture Crew 746’s goals encourage young adults to learn, grow and have fun by participating in hands-on, challenging activities. These scouts are extremely dedicated and hard-working, and they put a lot of work into making the Winter Wonderland a success.
Overall, the Winter Wonderland was a sweet event that brought Greenbelt together for a fun and festive time.
Camille O’Roark is a sixth-grade student at College Park Academy.