Where Do I Vote on June 26?

The 2018 Democratic and Republican Gubernatorial Primary Elections are Tuesday, June 26. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Five county polling places serve Greenbelt voters:

Greenbelt Community Center (Precinct 3) 15 Crescent Road

Greenbelt Elementary School (Precinct 6) 66 Ridge Road

Springhill Lake Elementary School (Precinct 8) 6060 Springhill Drive

Eleanor Roosevelt High School (Precinct 13) 7601 Hanover Parkway

Trinity Assembly of God (Turning Point Academy) (Precinct 18) 7800 Good Luck Road

Only registered Democrats and Republicans may vote their parties’ full ballots in the primaries next Tuesday. Voters who have declined affiliation with the two major parties will vote only in the election of the District 2 School Board Representative. All voters may, of course, vote in the General Election in November.

All voters eligible to vote in a primary should have received notification of the election and a reminder of their polling place. To verify registration or determine their precinct, voters can call the county Board of Elections at 301-341-7300 or go to elections.state.md.us and click on Find Your Polling Place.