Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Tim George Named Acting City Manager, Replacing Nicole Ard

On Saturday, December 18, the city posted an announcement that City Manager Nicole Ard’s last day was that same day. A series of worksessions, starting in August, had been held by the Greenbelt City Council to discuss Ard’s tenure, but as closed sessions relating to employment, these sessions had resulted in no public information except that the discussion related to her performance evaluation.
The announcement was brief. “City Manager Nicole Ard’s last day with the City of Greenbelt will be December 18, 2021. During her nearly five-year tenure, operational improvements and capital projects were completed.” The statement quoted Ard as saying, “I appreciate city council’s allowing me the opportunity to serve. I thank each city employee for their service, particularly during the pandemic.”
During a worksession held Monday, December 20, Mayor Emmett Jordan added to the message by wishing Ard, “the best moving forward.”
Both statements introduced Tim George (with the city for six months as assistant city manager) as the acting city manager. Jordan extolled George’s experience and leadership skills and welcomed him to his new position.
According to a press release from the city of Fairfield, Ohio, Ard is on the list of qualified individuals whose credentials are being evaluated for the vacant city manager position there.