News Stories

Black Lives Matter Vigils

Greenbelt residents organized rallies, demonstrations and vigils in response to the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. In the immediate aftermath, Mayor Colin Byrd and Police Chief Richard Bowers both issued statements. Byrd encouraged Greenbelters to consider how … Read More

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Co-op Had a Blockbuster Year

In a year of significant change for the Co-op Supermarket, it got new leadership, a new roof and a new solar array.  Incoming Manager Dan Gillotte, joining the store to replace retiring 35-year Manager Bob Davis, was immediately plunged into … Read More

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Pandemic Affects City Government

The actions taken in response to the pandemic had an immediate impact and potentially large future impacts upon city government.  Many revenue sources such as income tax, recreation program fees, gas tax revenues, admissions and amusement tax, as well as … Read More

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