News Stories

Gobble Wobble Brings out the Flock

Thanksgiving Day’s PreFeast warmup and community outing provides Greenbelters of all ages the chance to stretch and get some exercise before tucking into turkey and stuffing. Led by a turnkey and with fine weather and pie to look forward to, … Read More

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Leta Mach Elected to National League of Cities

  Leta Mach, Greenbelt city councilmember, was elected to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2016 Board of Directors at the 2015 Congress of Cities and Exposition held in Nashville, Tenn. Mach, who will serve a two-year term, will play … Read More

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Council Debates Greenbelt Station

At a worksession, council objected to the Greenbelt Station detailed Phase III site plan, citing disappointment in open space ratios, access by emergency vehicles and proximity of dwellings to the sound barrier.  The worksession will continue on December 7.    Link to the … Read More

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