Orlando Furioso – Broadway Comes to Greenbelt

Orlando Furioso – Broadway Comes to Greenbelt
Bradamant (Megan Winner) is attached by the Hippogriff (Elizabeth Gardner). Photo by Jon Gardner

Quite possibly, Greenbelt has the best youth theater on the planet.  Folks, you’re in the vicinity of genius.  Talented kids, inspired writing and music and costumes worthy of Broadway (but on a budget of pennies) add up to a fantastic experience on both sides of the footlights.  One has the impression that no young person caught up in one of Chris Cherry’s phantasmagorical pieces will ever forget it or be quite the same afterwards.  Three cheers for Cherry, Nicole DeWald (costumes), the city and all the participants and their families.  Read the full story in the paper…

Sophie Bernheisel plays Boiardo the horse.  Photo by Jon Gardner
Sophie Bernheisel plays Boiardo the horse. Photo by Jon Gardner