Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

No More Leaks! GAFC Pool Remediation Project Begins

As the weather warms and thoughts turn to summer, Greenbelters have noticed a flurry of activity around the outdoor pool of the Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center (GAFC).

The Greenbelt City Council voted on March 28 to approve the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for retaining wall remediation work at GAFC. Willis Shafer, director of Public Works, anticipates the work to be completed by mid-May.

Structural Remediation

The damaged concrete of the retaining wall allows water to leak into the pool filter room, damaging the structure and equipment. Like many of the crucial mechanical workings of the pool, it is hidden from public view, located underneath the outdoor pool and deck.

Both the interior and exterior retaining walls, located behind the outdoor pool facing Braden Field, need to be repaired.

Order of Work

The first phase of the work involves prepping the site and repairing damage to the outdoor pool deck. Next the contractors will turn to repairing the vertical walls and columns themselves.

Public Works will be assessing the work daily to “continue to move forward and complete the project,” says Shafer.

Impact on Opening?

The Greenbelt pool was the first public pool in the state of Maryland. Residents look forward to the annual Memorial Day weekend opening.

Since work on the pool deck will be completed first, a timely opening is anticipated. Even if the remediation work on the wall proves more complicated than feared, Interim City Manager Tim George said “the outdoor pool can operate with no risk at all” if not completed by Memorial Day.

New Filter Awaits

Public Works staff also assisted in the delivery of the new filter, currently housed in an undamaged area of the facility. Work on installation of the new filter is expected later this year according to Stephen Parks, GAFC supervisor.

A pile of broken-concrete rubble on the deck next to the outdoor pool.