Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

New Deal Café Wins City Paper Awards with Help from Gompf

The New Deal Café has won several awards in the Washington City Paper’s Best of DC 2022 contest: first place in Best Place to Experience Local Music and Best Place to Have Dinner with Live Music and third place in Best Jazz/Blues Venue and Best Music Venue.

The contest was based on reader-submitted choices, so the New Deal Café’s wins reflect many voters who wrote in to support the Café. The results from the contest can be viewed at

The New Deal Café’s wins are important to Greenbelt and the musical community of the Washington, D.C., area since several area music venues have closed permanently, including Rams Head Tavern in Savage, Md., and Twins Jazz, a club in D.C. 

Caitlin Gompf has been the music coordinator for the New Deal Café since last April. Her interest in the Café started in 2014 when she came to hear music and met Amethyst Dwyer, then the Café’s music coordinator, who made an impression on the young Gompf with her warmth and enthusiasm.

Gompf graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 2014 with a major in classical voice. She sings in the Washington Master Chorale and has sung in musical theater. At 19, she became a professional choir section leader. Gompf started singing when she was 5 years old at family gatherings where her Uncle Richard played music. She soon began to see music as a way of reaching out to others. Those early feelings of connection and energy have guided her to bring art to every moment in her life.

As music coordinator, Gompf continues Dwyer’s commitment to musical diversity. Gompf reviews performer applications but notes that lacking a polished application is not a showstopper. She listens to every artist carefully, preferably in front of a live audience. 

Gompf is proud of bands she has selected that did not have a large local following or a polished performer application but bring an original approach to their music. Lonesome Dave Fisher ( is one example and a favorite of Gompf’s. Gompf says she likes “growing” a band and bringing art to a winning venue: the New Deal Café.

Polls for the special primary election opened Tuesday morning March 4, allowing voters to cast their ballot and pick their

Several hundred people, including many federal government workers who recently were fired as part of the mass federal Department of