The Forest Preserve Advisory Board (FPAB) is holding a public Zoom meeting on Saturday, September 12 at 10 a.m. to discuss the Master Trails Plan. To prepare for the meeting, FPAB invites Greenbelt residents to peruse excerpts from Chapter 3.1 of the Forest Preserve Stewardship Guidelines that discuss the existing informal trails.
The Master Trails Plan would create a designated trail system in the Preserve and describe the type and intensity of trail maintenance that should occur to maintain ecological health in each area. The Stewardship Guidelines stipulate that in all instances the city will maintain the trails to the minimum extent possible.
Trails will be officially designated and maintained to protect the health of the Preserve, provide a variety of experiences to hikers and allow the city to discourage unofficial trails or maintenance activities. Designating a trail to be an official trail does not mean it will be marked by physical blazes. FPAB and city staff will map the official trails in each parcel and describe the type and intensity of trail maintenance that should occur to preserve ecological health in each area. Trail maintenance activities that are approved in the Master Trails Plan may be carried out by trained city staff, trained volunteers working independently or groups of volunteers under direct expert supervision.
The Master Trails Plan will include an inventory of existing trails, sensitive areas, areas of misuse or environmental decline and stream crossings. It will denote those areas where public access may be restricted or existing trails closed. For instance, the plan could designate a trail on the west side of Goddard Creek and leave the east side without a designated trail to protect the wetlands. The Plan will also indicate which trails are easy to use and barrier-free.
When issues arise, FPAB will consider and address the need for trail maintenance at specific locations. Such issues might include a newly fallen tree blocking a trail in an ecologically sensitive area, eroding trails or newly created trails. Maintenance activities on designated trails will minimize disturbance to the Preserve to the maximum extent practicable, while at the same time allowing the public to experience a large, forested area and participate in activities consistent with that type of experience.
To register for the September 12 scoping meeting, send an email to Written comments can also be sent to this address. To view the Stewardship Guidelines and additional information about the Greenbelt Forest Preserve see