Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Labor Day Books Generate Enthusiasm and Revenue

For the first time since 2019, the Greenbelt Elementary School (GES) Parent Teacher Association (PTA) held a full-scale book sale at the Labor Day Festival. Dozens of parents volunteered for weeks leading up to the four-day sale, collecting and sorting books donated by the community. Crowds filled the book sale tent all weekend long, with many visitors happy to grab fantastic books, DVDs, CDs, puzzles, games and movie posters for $2 or less. 

This year’s sale raised approximately $10,000 for PTA initiatives. The funds are used for teacher appreciation events, capital improvements, special events at the school and field trips, and to pay off lunch debt. To raise money in 2020 amid Covid lockdowns, members of the community held book sales in their own front yards and then donated the proceeds. Last year, front yard sales continued and a smaller sale was held in the town center. 

This year, the community donated approximately 10,000 books at a variety of drop-off locations. An estimated 8,000 books were sold and remaining items were donated to the Bowie Lions Club. 

Greenbelters were incredibly generous not only with their book donations, but also with their time. The book sale committee had help from several parents whose children have already graduated from GES. Volunteers included a city council member, a candidate running for election to the county school board, several local high school students and many parents of current GES students. 

One particularly astute volunteer spotted a rare book in the donation pile that the PTA Board decided should be offered to the Smithsonian Library. Titled Model First Reader, the book is a first edition from 1873 that was meant to teach children of the native Dakota tribe how to speak English. The value is estimated to be around $200, but rather than sell the book, the PTA Board decided to donate it since it was given in the spirit of supporting education. It was a thrill to learn that, while the Smithsonian has a later edition of the book, it does not have a first edition; thus, they are gratefully accepting this important piece of history so that future generations can access it. 

It truly is remarkable to see the joy and learning that this community event sparks. The book sale committee would like to thank each and every person who chipped in to make this year’s book sale such a success.

Brooke Kenny is the GES PTA secretary and Book Sale chair.

Book sale
Shoppers peruse the book sale the evening of Friday, September 2.