Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Hip Hop on a Bus

The Easter Bunny will bring a special gift to Greenbelt transit riders this Easter Sunday, March 27. This bunny is formally known as the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) and its gift will be hourly or better Sunday bus service on that day and on Sundays thereafter on the C2, G12 and G14 routes. Other area routes will also be modified based upon user feedback and suggestions. Users should check the Metro website for new timetables.

The G13 and G16 routes will be combined with the G14 route for a more simplified scheduling. Route C2 will run on Sundays between the Greenbelt Metro Station and the Takoma Langley Crossroads Metro Center (not on to Twinbrook) via the University of Maryland, while the G12 and G14 routes will run between the Greenbelt and New Carrollton Metro Stations via Greenbelt. G12 No changes are planned for this service except to add the hourly Sunday runs between 6:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. This route goes from the Greenbelt Metrorail station through Capitol Office Park, Boxwood Village, Greenbelt North End to Roosevelt Center, then through University Square apartments to Greenbelt Road to Greenbriar and Windsor Green before following Hanover Parkway, Princess Garden Parkway and Lanham-Severn Road to the New Carrollton Metrorail station.

During moderate snow, buses will run through Capital Office Park on Cherrywood Lane instead of Ivy Lane, through Center Greenbelt on Crescent Road and Southway instead of through the North End and University Square apartments and bypass Greenbriar and Windsor Green, heading directly south on Hanover Parkway.

All G13 trips will become G14 and early morning trips will continue to bypass the Beltway Plaza shopping center. All G16 trips will become G14 and will provide evening and weekend service to Greenbelt Road east of Good Luck Road. The buses will run hourly on Sunday between 6:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. Buses will no longer run along Forbes Boulevard and Aerospace Road due to low ridership. The buses on this route will by-pass the Beltway Plaza during moderate snow. C2 The new Sunday service will run every 45 minutes between 8:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., but only to Langley Park from the Greenbelt Metrorail station. Greenbelt stops for this bus are only on Cherrywod Lane.

Other Routes

In College Park, route 81 will be discontinued and its Sunday runs added to route 83, but there will no longer be service to the Greenbelt Metrorail Station because route C2 will do that. Route C8 first two morning runs (5:41 and 6:04 a.m.) will begin at the College Park Metrorail station instead of at Glenmount Metrorail station. This route stops at Archives II and goes to White Flint. Route R3 will be discontinued and riders of that route going to Archives II will need to use the route C8 buses.

Transit users are reminded that Greenbelt residents can also ride the University of Maryland’s Shuttle-UM service. For information, riders should contact the University of Maryland Transportation Services. Metro transit representatives announced these changes to the Greenbelt City Council at a worksession held on February 3. Councilmembers and transit users in the audience, who had long advocated the Sunday bus service, were pleased to hear the announcement.

Polls for the special primary election opened Tuesday morning March 4, allowing voters to cast their ballot and pick their

Several hundred people, including many federal government workers who recently were fired as part of the mass federal Department of