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Greenbelt Recreation Dept. Readies for Summer Camp

Summer camp through Greenbelt Recreation Center looks much like it did before the pandemic, with a few new twists. Kinder Camp, Camp Pine Tree, Camp YoGo and Camp Encore are all using most of the formats from earlier years. Creative Kids Camp, however, is changing to a hybrid half-day or full-day camp.

Performing Arts Coordinator Chris Cherry said, “We realized last summer, when the camp hours were truncated because of the pandemic, that there are many children for whom a half-day is the optimum amount of programming. Offering the morning-only option also brings the camp within the financial reach of more families.”

The morning option will be known as the Morning Mix, featuring rotating age cohorts among dance, art, music and circus classes. The musical is Summer Circus, which will highlight some of the campers who have focused on circus skills during earlier summers. Performances will be outside.

Campers can then choose to stay later in the afternoon to take part in the various Artful Afternoon activities of their choosing. Campers select a specific Art Adventure to attend every day of the two-week session, providing the opportunity for an in-depth exploration of their favorite subject.

Families who only wish to have campers participate in the afternoon art sessions will be able to sign up for the remaining slots when the general summer class registration opens. Classes include circus, hand-building ceramics, pottery, animation, comic books, Chinese and a maker space class combining science, engineering and art.

Registration is now open.  Packets can be found on the city website.