Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

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Greenbelt Labor Day Festival: Continuity Cherished by All

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Download the 2018 Labor Day Festival Pullout

Greenbelt’s Labor Day Festival begins Friday, August 31 and continues through Monday, September 3 at the Roosevelt Center. What is so appealing about this event is its consistency year after year. “It’s an event eagerly awaited by residents of Greenbelt and surrounding communities,” said Linda Ivy, president of the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival Board of Directors. “Each year our friends can count on enjoying thrilling rides, art programs, variety music shows, a mixture of food vendors and a final day parade comprising police and military units, political representatives, civic organizations and social groups. I believe it’s that sameness and dependability that attracts so many to the event,” Ivy stated.

Frequently former Greenbelters return for the annual Labor Day Festival. They may come from as close as New Carrollton or Berwyn Heights or from as far away as Texas, Illinois or Michigan. Comments have included praise for the exciting rides, fun food, entertaining shows, arts programs and the parade. Just as frequently comments have addressed coming back to the event they enjoyed when living here and seeing a familiar setup, catching up with friends and experiencing the small-town camaraderie offered by the city and enhanced by the festival.

Dan Rothford, a visitor from Michigan and former resident of Greenbelt, said his East Coast vacation plans this year include time in Greenbelt for the Labor Day Festival to show his children what small town values can mean. “We live in a large Michigan city and it is easy to become part of the metropolitan wallpaper. When I was living in Greenbelt, this festival was a dependable gathering providing a true sense of small town American closeness. We walked to the center and spent a fortune on the rides, listened to bands and almost marched in the parade. Between doing and seeing things, we stuffed ourselves with our version of nutritious food: hot dogs, burgers, fries, all washed down with plenty of sodas.”

This year all of the shows, booths, displays and midway rides are being scheduled, programmed and developed as they are year after year. The quality of sameness will attract thousands of Greenbelters and others to the usual excitement, thrills and joy of having experienced the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival.

For more information see the festival website at

ERHS Cheerleaders at Labor Day Festival
Eleanor Roosevelt High School varsity cheerleaders perform in the Greenbelt Labor Day Parade on September 4, 2017. Photo by Sharon Natoli


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