Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Fifth-graders Plant Trees At Springhill Lake School

The project started as an environmental science unit in Daneille Todd-Jones’ fifth grade, and it will last long after these students are done with high school. On Wednesday, May 3, city officials assisted Springhill Lake Elementary School students in planting 13 pine trees near the school. The trees will grow fast, as much as 24 inches a year. They will provide a wind break and will stabilize the soil. In short, they will be good for the environment, which is exactly what the class wanted.  To see more on this story, click here

Aziel Axel, Maria Atancio, and  Jacqueline Espinoza finish planting their tree at Springhill Lake Elementary School.  Photo by Erin Josephitis
Aziel Axel, Maria Atancio, and Jacqueline Espinoza finish planting their tree at Springhill Lake Elementary School. Photo by Erin Josephitis


Tree planters celebrate their work. Shown are: Saul Osorio, Louis Casillo, Danielle Todd-Jones, Edwin Moreno Garcia, Hans Barrientos, Carlos Cartatagena, Daniel Burey, Diego Umanzor, Luis Escobar, Junior Cabrera, Byron Wilson, Kelon Vessfield, Caron Gary BrewerJason Morales Lopez, Fatima Oterga, Owen Moss, Amy Ascencio, Kevin Orellana, Jasmin Turcios, Aziel Axel, Jacquelin Espinoza, Maria AtancioBrian Townsend, Darshwell Johnson, Nick , Lori, Rebecca Wang, Silke Pope, and others. Photo by Erin Josephitis