Explore Your News Review Sunday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – All the News that Fits, We Print.

Explore Your News Review Sunday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. – All the News that Fits, We Print.
This 1923 Underwood 5 typewrite is one of the most popular models. Millions were made and many survive. It is the oldest of the News Review machines. Photo by Cathie Meetre

Come to the News Review this Sunday, July 10, and get new insight into what makes your local newspaper tick.  Activities are designed to amuse and inform all ages and to give insight into the paper’s history as well as its current manifestation.  First published within weeks of the original inhabitants moving in, the paper started life as a mimeographed and stapled 8.5 x 11 handout circulated among a few hundred folks.  Now it is a 12- or 16-page paper that uses new technologies and sophisticated software.  But one thing remains the same – it is about the place you live and the people who live in it.

Learn how the News Review has moved with the times while faithfully keeping the original purpose of the paper intact for nearly 80 years.