Destination Imagination

Destination Imagination
Front Row Left to Right: Aliya Ramirez-Skolnik, Nisaa Moran, and Kai Waters Back Row Left to Right: Ms. Wallace, Kira Moore, Christen Turner, Iris Gayken, and Ms. Pommerehn Not Pictured: Carly Konopasky On Saturday, March 3, 2018 seven students from Greenbelt Elementary competed in the Central Region Destination Imagination competition for Prince George's County. Destination Imagination is a STEM/Creative Processes club for students around the world. The Greenbelt Elementary Piercing Shrills (team name) earned 2nd place in the elementary level engineering challenge, Drop Zone. The students have been meeting for the past few months to design a structure that can withstand weights being dropped on it from about a foot above. The students were also challenged to present their structure through an 8 minute skit that included a reason for the dramatic impact, costuming, and more. They will be moving on the Maryland State Competition on April 7, 2018 at UMBC. Photo by Ingrid Cowan Hass

On Saturday, March 3, seven students from Greenbelt Elementary competed in the Central Region Destination Imagination competition for Prince George’s County. Destination Imagination is a STEM/Creative Processes club for students around the world. The Greenbelt Elementary Piercing Shrills (team name) earned 2nd place in the elementary level engineering challenge, Drop Zone. The students have been meeting for the past few months to design a structure that can withstand weights being dropped on it from about a foot above. The students were also challenged to present their structure through an 8-minute skit that included a reason for the dramatic impact, costuming, and more. They will be moving on to the Maryland State Competition on April 7, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.