Confessions of a News Reviewaholic….

This letter was received from Marc “Kap” Kapastin General Counsel Quantum Companies, the owners of Beltway Plaza Mall.

The One Hand Clapping? editorial published on February 18 prompts this letter. Consider this confession: I am addicted to the Greenbelt News Review and I don’t see recovery any time soon. Every Thursday morning, immediately following morning prayers and the reading of a Bible passage, I fire up my iPad and turn to the Current Edition of the Greenbelt News Review online. Invariably, I read it cover-to-cover and earmark the pages I intend to photocopy for posterity when I arrive at my office. And, I frequently recommend that the Beltway Plaza Merchants’ Association advertise events in the GNR as frequently as the BPMA can afford. Certainly, without question, I agree with the editorial staff that “…it’s the most effective available resource for integrated information on local businesses, municipal activities and city-wide topics.” Frankly, I have no idea how I managed to keep abreast of what’s happening in Greenbelt before I discovered the GNR. So enamored of it am I that I make it a point to whole-heartedly recommend it to newcomers as essential weekly reading. What columns do I find most compelling? That’s a tough one – it’s so jam-packed with current matters of interest. For sure, the complete, concise and accurate, non-partisan reporting of City Council meetings and worksessions; the schedule of city information and description of Community Events; and, of course, the compelling biographies of local heroes. Let me assure you of this, one and all, I am going to maintain my subscription, whatever the cost.