Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Rebuilding GAFC with Care: Construction for Community

Greenbelt City Manager Josué Salmerón hosted a Town Hall on Thursday, January 30 to answer questions and address concerns about upcoming repairs to the indoor pool at the Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center (GAFC). The Town Hall served as an informational follow-up to the city council worksession on January 22 (see the January 30 issue). […]

Etiquette for All Seasons: May I Share Your Lane?

As construction teams shore up the walls supporting the Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center’s (GAFC) filter room, Stephen Parks, supervisor, reminds people dreaming of summer fun to remember lessons they learned in kindergarten.  Particularly about sharing. Legacy of Community Greenbelt’s public pool originally opened on Memorial Day 1939, and at the time was the only […]

No More Leaks! GAFC Pool Remediation Project Begins

A pile of broken-concrete rubble on the deck next to the outdoor pool.

As the weather warms and thoughts turn to summer, Greenbelters have noticed a flurry of activity around the outdoor pool of the Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center (GAFC). The Greenbelt City Council voted on March 28 to approve the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for retaining wall remediation work at GAFC. Willis […]

Should Non-Citizens Vote Discussed by Council, Board

During a February 8 worksession, Greenbelt’s Board of Elections and the Greenbelt City Council debated extending votes in city elections to all Greenbelt residents, regardless of citizenship status. Investigating this question had been a referral from council to the board. Other local municipalities, including Hyattsville, Cheverly and Takoma Park already do this. Councilmember Ric Gordon […]

Council Seeks: Ban on Single-Use Plastics and No Maglev

Purple grapes in a clear plastic bag, a single-use plastic water bottle with a blue label, and an opaque white plastic grocery bag sit on a table.

Each year before the Maryland Legislative session opens, the members of the Greenbelt City Council meet with representatives of state, county and other local jurisdictions to share the priorities of our community. Priorities and Concerns This year Greenbelt’s top priorities are: a ban on single-use plastics; improvements to Greenbelt Road’s streetscape; improvements to the Greenbelt […]

City Council Names Members Of Reparations Commission

On Wednesday, December 14, the Greenbelt City Council named the 21 members of the Reparations Commission one year after voters passed a referendum directing the council to establish the body. The commission will meet for the first time in January 2023 to study and put forward ideas to address the legacies of institutional oppression in […]

Jonathan Briggs: Our Newest County School Board Member

“At the end of the day, it’s about our kids and their futures,” declared Jonathan Briggs, 34, the newly elected Prince George’s County School Board member for District 2, representing Greenbelt.  “It’s how we put kids first. How do we work in partnership with everyone in the community, for everyone? I understand what’s at stake […]

Lifeguards Needed at GAFC To Serve Increasing Pool Use

“Lifeguards are the key to the building. I got no lifeguards, I got no building. I can’t open the pool,” pleads Stephen Parks, Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center (GAFC) supervisor. As the community begins to recover from the isolation of the Covid-19 pandemic, more individuals are engaging in new and former exercise routines. As the […]