Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Camp Encore Stages Passionate And Dynamic Romeo and Juliet

Every once in a while, if you’re a parent, you have this snapshot moment of your child’s life. One moment they’re two years old and sinking their teeth into the tender soft flab of your underarm as you carry them toward the car, and the next they’re adult-sized, striding across a shadowy stage in knee-high […]

National Public Lands Day Transforms Turner Cemetery

The historic Turner cemetery was the site of Greenbelt’s National Public Lands Day event on September 24. Staff of the Public Works Department and volunteers, including members of the Greenbelt City Council and the Community Relations Advisory Board, worked together to clear brush from the historic graves and erect a boundary marker along the perimeter […]

U.S. Navy Band Sea Chanters Concert Features Bill Edwards

Over three million viewers have watched the U.S. Navy Band’s official chorus, the Sea Chanters, featuring Greenbelter Bill Edwards, perform selections from Jersey Boys on YouTube. Greenbelters have the opportunity to see these lively artists at Eleanor Roosevelt High School (ERHS) on Thursday, September 1 from 7 to 8:30 p.m., an early lead-in to the […]

Teens At Play Bring Joy To Midsummer Night’s Dream

The middle Dutch word pleien, from whence our contemporary word ‘play’ derives, means to leap for joy. Camp Encore’s recent production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream embodied that joyous playful energy, from the young players’ enthusiastic acting to the audience’s enchanted delight. Director Kate Magill Robinson took liberties with Shakespeare’s script, creating two roles […]

Synchronized Swimmers Make a Splash in Political Waters

A group of enthusiastic residents recently gathered to record a video encouraging viewers to “remember Bernie Sanders” while voting. Uploaded to Facebook on March 28, the footage of singing, dancing and swimming Greenbelters has been viewed nearly 40,000 times and has been picked up by Mashable and Fox News. The video, which features the New […]

Caitlin McGrath Scoops a 40 under 40 Shout

For the fifth year in a row, a Greenbelter has been named by the Prince George’s County Social Innovation Fund as one of its Forty Under 40. The stated aim of the Forty Under 40 program is “to highlight the brilliant young talent that lives in Prince George’s County and then connect them more deliberately […]