Kyla Finds Happiness Here

The Greenbelt News Review asked me to find the five happiest places in Greenbelt, in honor of Newsweek’s recent announcement of Maryland ranking as the second happiest state in the nation. This was kind of a big ask, in part because I haven’t been that happy recently. But I have often been told that if […]
Teacher Lois Rosado Impacts Her Adopted City: Greenbelt

To learn about Lois Blades Rosado is to be amazed by her many contributions and accomplishments on behalf of the citizens of Greenbelt. To talk to Rosado is to learn quickly of her genuine humility; when approached about this article for the News Review, Rosado initially demurred and offered the name of a woman she […]
Co-op Gets New Registers, And Includes Self-Checkout

When Kim Kash, member and secretary of the board of directors of the Greenbelt Co-op Supermarket, reached out to ask if I’d be willing to write a story about the new self-checkout lanes at the Co-op, I originally said no. “Holy Cauliflower [which, incidentally, you can buy at the Co-op]?! Self-checkout lanes?!” I said. “I’m […]
Mail Carrier Cesar Delivers Mail, Good Cheer on his Route
When I asked Cesar Oregon if I could accompany him on his mail route for a story for the Greenbelt News Review, he answered immediately in the affirmative. “We are going to walk really fast and we’re going to pat all the dogs,” he promised. As I was definitely capable of doing one of those […]
Creative Kids Campers Offer Entertainment for Community

Greenbelt summer camps are the stuff of legend in our house, and not only because my own children have been involved for many years – starting out as campers, then interns, then camp counselors. Creative Kids Camp (CKC) never fails to provide delightful community entertainment in addition to giving its campers days of art, play, […]
Kyla Tours Greenbriar Park

The good people at Greenbelt Biota have been trying to take me on a tour of Greenbriar Park, at the corner of Mandan Road and Hanover Parkway, for nearly a year now, but for one reason or another we haven’t quite managed to put it together. I finally met Kevin Carpenter-Driscoll, environmental coordinator for the […]
Greenbelt’s Badminton Club Offers a Sport for All Ages

It turns out my daughter Anja is pretty good at badminton. I guess that’s all right, but when I invited her to join me at Greenbelt’s badminton club on Sunday I had the script already prepared. I would be the one who would turn out to be surprisingly good at badminton, to the delight and […]
A Ride-along with Santa Brings A New View of the Community

I’ve wondered occasionally if the day will come when I would reflect upon my life and see it as complete. Perhaps one day I’d look and see that I’d raised my children well, been a kind friend, a community volunteer, that my existence had been put to good use. I imagined one day I would […]
To Gobble Wobble around the Lake

I will just say that if it was called the Turkey Trot, I wouldn’t have done it. But a Gobble Wobble? While I am not much for trotting, I am excellent at wobbling, so when I saw an advertisement for the city’s Gobble Wobble, to be held on the morning of Thanksgiving Day, I hurried […]
“That Could Have Been Bad” Orienteering for Challenge, Fun

Why is it that the most out-of-shape person in Greenbelt insists on doing so many outdoor activities? This is what I thought to myself as I lay on my bed for five straight hours Sunday afternoon, unable to move, staring mournfully at the ceiling. Occasionally I’d yell for Dan, saying things like “errrggghhhh” and “uggggggh,” […]