Greenbelt Recreation Dept. Readies for Summer Camp

Summer camp through Greenbelt Recreation Center looks much like it did before the pandemic, with a few new twists. Kinder Camp, Camp Pine Tree, Camp YoGo and Camp Encore are all using most of the formats from earlier years. Creative Kids Camp, however, is changing to a hybrid half-day or full-day camp. Performing Arts Coordinator […]
Eggs Galore Found During Greenbelt’s Easter Egg Hunt

As the horn blew, the ribbon was dropped and children of all ages ran onto the field in search of eggs, many of which were immediately visible. This was the annual Easter Egg Hunt hosted by the City of Greenbelt. Held in person last Saturday, April 16 at Schrom Hills Park, the event began […]
Arbor Day: Eleanor Roosevelt Is Honored With New Satyr Hill Holly Tree
The City of Greenbelt Advisory Committee on Trees joined with city council members on Saturday, April 9 to plant a tree on the lawn between the Community Center and the Library as part of the city’s Arbor Day observance. The newly installed Satyr Hill holly will be known as the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Tree. This […]
New Map Will Leave Greenbelt Out of Maryland’s District 5

Governor Larry Hogan signed the new redistricting plan into law on Monday, April 4. With a new congressional map in hand, Greenbelt will leave Maryland’s 5th Congressional District and become part of Maryland’s 4th Congressional District. When the new map goes into effect in January 2023 at the beginning of the 117th Congress, Greenbelt will […]
Coming up Roses with GATe Awards for Best Local Videos

Greenbelt Access Television (GATe) announced its second annual Rose Awards on March 20 during the television station’s annual meeting. The contest showcases videos created by Greenbelt community video producers. Sally Davies took first place this year for her short painting-and-time-lapse film From Georgia to Greenbelt. Second place was awarded to Tanya Nordberg and Ian Blackwell […]
Greenbelt Holds First Food Truck Festival on Cold Day

Greenbelters enjoyed a delicious afternoon at Schrom Hills Park catered by dining on wheels. The first annual Greenbelt Food Truck Festival was held Saturday, March 26, bringing the community together in celebration with food and activities for all ages. Organized by the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival Committee in partnership with Greenbelt Recreation, the festival featured […]
Council Begins Reparations Commission Creation Plans
The City of Greenbelt should establish a 21-member commission to review, discuss and make recommendations related to local reparations for African American and Native American residents of Greenbelt. This was the referendum posed to the public, where 63 percent of Greenbelters voted yes, and the focus of the Greenbelt City Council’s worksession on Wednesday, March […]
City Creates Website Asking How to Spend ARPA Funds
The City of Greenbelt is asking for input on what services the $23 million fund, recently allocated to the city by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), should be used for. The funds were given as a relief initiative in response to the Covid-19 public health emergency and its impacts and can only be used […]
Saving Black History Sites Is Focus of Museum Talk
Shockhoe Bottom in Richmond, Va., was once one of the largest trading markets for enslaved people in the United States, but it was later paved over. The site is now preserved by the National Trust for Historic Preservation African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund. Greenbelters heard Lawana Holland-Moore, program officer of the fund, highlight various […]
First Phase of Greenbelt Road Revision Gets Community Input

“What is one word you would use to describe Greenbelt Road?” The most popular answers were ugly, dangerous and busy. “What travel purposes would you like to use Greenbelt Road for?” The response was exercise, recreation, shopping and access to walking trails and parks. These responses were part of a virtual meeting held by the […]