Parking Regulations Drive Council to Debate Revisions
Greenbelt City Council met on Monday, August 1, to discuss parking, trails and various public safety issues in the Greenbelt Station area. Tina Kumar, property manager, and Valencia Perry, assistant property manager, for Verde apartments at Greenbelt Station answered questions from council. Verde has 302 apartment units at 97 percent occupancy and amenities including a […]
Council Fields Open Space, Honors Retiring ERHS Principal
In its meeting on June 27, the Greenbelt City Council tackled the Fiscal Year 2023 annual Project Open Space (POS) request that is due to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. The city has been notified that the county will receive a total of $12,606,444 in FY 23 POS funds of which Greenbelt will […]
Community Center Security Is Focus in Debate on Access
What seemed like an open-and-shut issue with securing the west entrance door at the Community Center (lower-level entry from the Library parking lot, near the playground) became a heated discussion in the regular meeting of Monday, June 27, as the Greenbelt City Council contemplated the specter of criminal actions there. Since June 15, and previously […]