Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

How BusPatrol Ties PGCPS To StopFinder, Making Millions

Battling ongoing transportation challenges, in September 2023 Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) contracted 4Mativ Technologies to provide a transportation audit for a cost of $210,600. At the start of this school year PGCPS implemented numerous changes including bus stop locations, distances between them, walking zones and, most significantly, school start and end times. The […]

Greenbelt Elementary School Holds Briefing on February 27

A brown school building with a peaked roof and green accents.

Families of Greenbelt Elementary will get a chance to learn more about the school’s academic shortcomings in a meeting planned for 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 27 at the school. According to an email sent to the school community Sunday by Principal Joel Nelson, Greenbelt Elementary has recently been designated as an Additional Targeted Support […]

Labor Day Books Generate Enthusiasm and Revenue

For the first time since 2019, the Greenbelt Elementary School (GES) Parent Teacher Association (PTA) held a full-scale book sale at the Labor Day Festival. Dozens of parents volunteered for weeks leading up to the four-day sale, collecting and sorting books donated by the community. Crowds filled the book sale tent all weekend long, with […]