Women’s March Challenges Greenbelters to Get Downtown
Many women (and men) from Greenbelt expect to take part in the Women’s March on January 21 in Washington, D.C. Many are using Facebook to link up and make plans to march together. People are opening their houses to friends they haven’t seen for years who want to come and march. And there are semiorganized […]
Update on Worker Trapped In Ditch

The construction worker who was trapped in a trench next to Greenbelt Lake has been released from the hospital, according to the Prince George’s County Fire Department. On November 16 at 1 p.m., firefighters and medics responded to a call for help. The worker was trapped “chest-deep in a 12-foot trench,” wrote Mark Brady of […]
Springhill Lake Elementary Holds Mock Election

Hillary Clinton won by a landslide in Springhill Lake Elementary School’s mock election on November 7. With all the students and faculty participating, Clinton took 706 votes, Donald Trump had 73, Jill Stein had 42, and Gary Johnson had just 16. It was an efficient election. On Monday morning, classes spent 15 minutes visiting one […]
New Zoning Rules, High Rise, Subjects of Public Meeting
The Prince George’s County Planning Department (PGCPD) cannot comment on a project that has not been formally proposed to them, Chad Williams of PGCPD told about 40 audience members in the Library’s meeting room on June 20. “There are no applications for a 25-story development on file,” he said. His colleague confirmed that she had […]
Vigil Honors Dead, Expresses Solidarity for Tolerance, Peace

Anger, sympathy, sadness, community and strength. With candles for the 49 victims of the Orlando, Fla., shooting, more than 100 people came together to honor the dead and seek solace at a vigil held in Roosevelt Center on June 14. “We send our thoughts, prayers and love to the family members and friends who have […]
High Rise Proposal Sparks Citizen Meeting

The proposed 25-story apartment building that landowner David Hillman wants to put up next to the existing Lakeside North Apartments is “inappropriate for here,” said Brian Almquist. Almquist and his wife Donna organized an information session on the proposed building at the Greenbelt Fire Station hall on June 4. Over 100 people came during the […]
Delegate Washington Conducts Conversation

State Delegate Alonzo Washington (District 22) came prepared with questions for the panel he was moderating on January 7. With the broad topic of color and class in Prince George’s County, he started the evening off by introducing his expert panel and then asking them to comment on a letter from the Baltimore Sun that […]
Champion Trees Grace Greenbelt

Take a tour of the champion trees using the guide available from the city website greenbeltmd.gov/DocumentCenter/view/1900. Read Amy Hansen’s article in the paper and enjoy the arboreal splendor on a walk around town. The tour includes the Community Center, Centerway, Parkway, Crescent, Ridge and Hamilton, Buddy Attick Park and Schrom Hills Park. The short blurb […]
Greenbelt-Centric Nutcracker Celebrates Town and Tchaikovsky

More than 250 people crowded into the Community Center’s gym on December 13 to attend Greenbelt’s version of the Nutcracker. Called The New Deal Nut: A Greenbelt Nutcracker, the dance production was the culmination of the city’s dance classes, some of which started work on the project in August. “We have students from ages […]