Fancying the Frozen Lake

Greenbelt Lake is frozen, as are the rivers, streams and ponds of our town. They’re not frozen six-feet thick, or frozen only to be clear in the spring, but frozen over with crinkly ice that makes its own winter groans and clicking sounds. Walking and skating on the ice are prohibited by City Code 12-66, […]
Greenbelt Flocks to See Utopia Defended in Speech and Film

Defending Utopia: The Greenbelt News Review at 80 opened to a sold-out crowd in the Old Greenbelt Theatre on Thursday, November 16. The film, and the speakers who preceded it, examined the role the newspaper played both in the long-term success of the town and in our nation’s understanding and application to the media of […]
Cheerleading Club Fundraiser Derailed, Racism Cited

A Greenbelt Boys and Girls Club fundraiser on Sunday, July 16 at Chipotle Mexican Grill on Greenbelt Road ended with angry parents, upset children, police interventions and accusations of racism. Coco Lee Tinsley explained that her team of national champion cheerleaders, girls ages 8 to 13, had planned the evening fundraiser to help pay for […]
Police Forum Draws Crowd For Questions and Answers
The Police were out in force to listen to the community. On May 23, five representatives from the police department, Greenbelt Community Relations Advisory Board (CRAB), city councilmembers and about 25 citizens used the Greenbriar meeting room for about two hours to discuss police and citizen relationships. The audience, made up of people from many […]
Fifth-graders Plant Trees At Springhill Lake School

The project started as an environmental science unit in Daneille Todd-Jones’ fifth grade, and it will last long after these students are done with high school. On Wednesday, May 3, city officials assisted Springhill Lake Elementary School students in planting 13 pine trees near the school. The trees will grow fast, as much as 24 […]
Fraternal Order of Police Votes No Confidence in Acting Chief
On April 19, 16 members of the Greenbelt Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #32 issued a vote of no confidence in Acting Chief of Police Thomas Kemp. The FOP, currently in collective bargaining with the city, published a press release on Facebook on April 24 that stated: “It is the Lodge’s hope that upon hearing […]
ERHS and Ghana Team Win STEM Competition in March

In its most basic form, a battery is a storage of chemical energy that can be converted to electrical energy. Turns out, some soil has this. So by putting electrodes and cathodes into soil (as well as a bit of citrus juice), energy from the wet earth can start to light the world. This is […]
Hanington Receives Recognition For Work on Turner Cemetery

What started as an article for the News Review ended with writer Kyla Hanington receiving an award from the Prince George’s County Historical Society on April 9. At the St. George’s Day celebration, which is held annually by the historical society, Society Librarian Susan Pearl officially thanked Hanington, giving her an award “in recognition for […]
Thieves Drive into Mini Mart Smash Front, Steal ATM

Thieves stole the automatic teller machine (ATM) from the Mini Mart in Roosevelt Center at 3:59 a.m. on Thursday, February 9. Pictures from surveillance cameras revealed that “a vehicle described as a white Ford Econoline van backed into the store. Three men then exited the vehicle, entered the store and removed an automatic teller machine,” […]
Crowds Queue for Hidden Figures – Held Over another week.

Crowds filled the Old Greenbelt Theatre on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to see the movie Hidden Figures, theater management reported. More than 1,500 people came over the four days, creating lines that went from the theater across Roosevelt Center to the New Deal Café, prompting the theater management to appear outside to say that […]