Feds Hit Pause on Maglev For the Incomplete Site EIS
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has temporarily paused its assessment of the proposed maglev train, giving the company more time to complete an environmental impact statement (EIS), which had been due in October. If built, the highspeed maglev train would provide service between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore and would go under some portion of Greenbelt. […]
Shop With a Cop: Embarking On Group Deployment of Joy

In the middle of Target at Beltway Plaza on Saturday December 21, Master Police Officer Carlos Torres stood next to the women’s sweaters and stopped to ask his partners about sizes. Captain Gordon Pracht already had a pink Care Bear in the cart and he and his partner were ready to roll. Another team was […]
Williams nombrada para ocupar el puesto de delegada del Distrito 22

Greenbelter Nicole Williams fue nombrada la nueva delegada para representar al Distrito 22 en la Asamblea General de Maryland por el gobernador Larry Hogan, quien la nombró el viernes 15 de noviembre. “Estoy seguro de que Nicole Williams representará admirablemente a los ciudadanos del condado de Prince George en su nuevo rol como delegada estatal”, […]
Greenbelt Resident Williams Appointed to Delegate Seat

Greenbelter Nicole Williams was named the newest delegate to represent District 22 in the Maryland General Assembly by Governor Larry Hogan, who appointed her on Friday, November 15. “I am confident that Nicole Williams will represent the citizens of Prince George’s County admirably in her new role as state delegate,” said Hogan. “I offer Ms. […]
New Plaque Details History Of Greenbelt School Building

First the building was the original Greenbelt High School. Then it was Greenbelt Junior High School. Next it was Greenbelt Middle School. Now it is Dora Kennedy French Immersion with a new wayside panel to celebrate its history. The plaque was unveiled by the Greenbelt City Council on Saturday, June 1. The historical panel, designed […]
MakerSpace, OGT: Dos Problemas, una solución
En el medio de Roosevelt Center, dos organizaciones viven una al lado de la otra. Cada una ha estado enfrentando lo que parecían ser problemas insuperables. En 125 Centerway, el Greenbelt MakerSpace alienta a las personas a ser creativas, animarse y hacer algo. Le dan espacio a jóvenes creadores, clubes, grupos de artesanía, grupos de […]
Celebrating The Old Greenbelt Theatre’s Birthday on May 6

Old Greenbelt Theatre celebrated its third birthday on Sunday, May 6 by looking to the past and then to the future. The first performance of the evening was the play Danger, a drama set in a Welsh coalmine after a cave-in. The play, originally commissioned by the British Broadcasting Corporation, had been performed in Greenbelt […]
Once Upon a Time, Dinosaurs Played in Your Backyard

A bit more than 110 million years ago, dinosaurs skipped through your backyard. They traipsed in the swampy woods and ran across what is now Greenbelt Road. Maybe you already knew that. Six years ago, Berwyn Heights dinosaur hunter extraordinaire Ray Stanford discovered a nodosaur footprint – “think of them as a four-footed tank,” Stanford […]
Greenbelters Stressed as Fed Faced Monday Shutdown
While the federal government is up and running, at least for a few weeks, many Greenbelters felt the stress of preparing for a shutdown. While Greenbelt is not a federally-owned city anymore, many residents work, intern or otherwise interact with the federal government. For example, several dozen students from Eleanor Roosevelt High School (ERHS) who […]
Senator Paul Pinsky Reports Commission Goals, Progress

State Senator Paul Pinsky spoke to about 30 school employees, parents and other stakeholders at Eleanor Roosevelt High School on Thursday, January 11. Pinsky described the work to date and the areas on which the Kirwan Commission will focus. This group of 25 state legislators was tasked with reviewing the findings of the Study on […]