Published continuously since the New Deal City of Greenbelt was founded in 1937, the News Review is delivered free to most Greenbelt residents. In 1970 we won a landmark First Amendment case in the Supreme Court. 

Teachers at SHL Elementary Fight Mold as Well as Covid-19

Maintenance on Springhill Lake Elementary School, a building that opened in 1966, is non-stop. Except during a pandemic when everything stopped. The lack of upkeep meant that teachers and staff were greeted by mold, missing railings and rodent infiltration, according to letters and pictures sent to the News Review by teachers and staff who work […]

Greenbelt’s James McKinney: Musician, Composer and More

The screen opens black with white letters: S.O.U.L. Of A Black Woman. But the words almost dance in front of the viewer because of the music playing at the same time. The movie is an Afro-futurism film, directed and co-produced by RCL Graham. Greenbelt’s James McKinney worked as a co-producer, but more importantly wrote the […]

Fire and Police Turn Out To Honor GVFD’s Bregman

On Monday, February 8, the officers and members of Greenbelt Volunteer Fire Department (GVFD) were joined by members of the Prince George’s County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association, Greenbelt Police Department, Glenn Dale Volunteer Fire Department (Company 18), the Metropolitan Police Department, Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department Truck 1 and Berwyn Heights Volunteer Fire Department Truck […]

eBird App for Birders Yields Data for Bird Conservation

For at least 10 minutes a day, Greenbelter Michel Cavigelli is a birder. He walks into his backyard or goes onto the paths at Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC), pulls out his binoculars and phone, and watches.  “I’m a nerd,” explains the BARC soil scientist. “I want to write down every bird.” Cavigelli started birding […]

The Pandemic of 2020: How It Affected the Lives of Greenbelters

Life for Greenbelt residents, as for everybody else in the world, was significantly altered as we adjusted to life in the midst of a serious pandemic. We were sequestered at home, except for forays to the supermarket and other essential trips. Our children, instead of going to school every day, sat in front of a […]

Satellite Lets Greenbelters Examine Distant Worlds

By all accounts, TESS, the planet-hunting satellite, is having a banner year and in doing so is taking work from Greenbelt into distant solar systems. Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite is a NASA mission proposed by Principal Investigator George Ricker and a science team led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Greenbelter Padi Boyd is […]

Billy Smith muere apuñalado durante un asalto a su casa

El 17 de enero, Billy Owens Smith hizo panqueques con su hija menor Layla en su casa en Mandan Road. Layla y su hermana se fueron a la escuela. La madre, Kristina, se fue a trabajar. Eso significaba que solo Smith, de 41 años, y su hijo adolescente Kadin, un graduado de Eleanor Roosevelt High […]

Greenbelter Billy Smith Dies In Stabbing During Break-in

On January 17, Billy Owens Smith made pancakes with his youngest daughter Layla in their home on Mandan Road. Layla and her sister then left for school. Their mom, Kristina, went to work. That meant that only Smith, 41, and their teenage son Kadin, a 2018 graduate of Eleanor Roosevelt High School (ERHS), were home […]

No I-495 Widening for Now: Hogan Will Focus on I-270

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot announced on January 3 that they would not work at expanding the Beltway (I-495) for now, but would focus on I-270. The deal comes before the January 8 scheduled meeting of the Maryland Board of Public Works, which still needs to approve the plan. Hogan and Franchot […]

Local Solar Scientist Models Processes for Life Creation

What could have started life on Earth? It’s a broad question. Much broader than most scientists work with when presenting a poster at the 30,000 person American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco on December 10. And to be fair, it wasn’t exactly what Eleanor Roosevelt High School class of 2007 alum J. Grant Mitchell […]