Greenbelters Party During National Night Out Event

It felt like a party from a different year and not only because Michael Jackson’s 1983 hit song, Wanna Be Starting Something, played in the background. The air felt cool. The Delta variant hadn’t completely come into Greenbelt’s collective consciousness and everything was outdoors. Greenbelt’s part of the National Night Out on Tuesday, August 3 […]
Is the Maryland Maglev Project In the Infrastructure Bill?
City, county and national representatives weighed in on the $1 trillion Infrastructure Bill that is currently in front of the Senate, discussing whether the bill as written provides funding for the Maryland Maglev train project. In a letter to Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin sent on August 5, Greenbelt City Councilmembers wrote that […]
Niños del campamento de verano de diversión aprenden Acerca de las rutinas de bomberos y policías
Los campistas del programa Summer Fun del Springhill Lake Recreation Center aprendieron el 28 de julio que ser bombero implica mucho correr. Los bomberos y la policía de Greenbelt vinieron al campamento con demostraciones y desafíos. Con los bomberos, los campistas intentaron correr con la manguera y apagar un fuego de demostración, y disfrutaron aprendiendo […]
Summer Fun Camp Kids Learn About Fire, Police Routines
Este artículo está disponible en español en nuestra página web Being a firefighter involves a whole lot of running, campers at Springhill Lake Recreation Center’s Summer Fun program learned on July 28. Greenbelt firefighters and police came to camp with demonstrations and challenges. With the firefighters, campers tried running with the hose and putting […]
Juneteenth at Franklin Park’s 3 Sisters Garden Rededication

Behind the Springhill Lake Recreation Center there’s a garden that’s at once formal and playful in design. At the garden’s center is a wooden sculpture, showing stylized stalks of corn and birds. The raised beds form a circle around the sculpture with paving stones acting like connecting spokes. This is one of Greenbelt’s Three Sisters […]
Cambios en los límites de las escuelas Afectará a los estudiantes de Greenbelt
El 27 de mayo, las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George (PGCPS) publicaron el informe provisional de la Iniciativa Integral de Límites Escolares del distrito. El informe presenta los hallazgos de la primera fase de análisis de datos y participación de la comunidad, incluidos tres borradores de planes y mapas que describen los límites […]
School Boundary Changes Will Affect Greenbelt Students
Este artículo está disponible en español en nuestra página web On May 27, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) released the interim report for the system’s Comprehensive School Boundary Initiative. The report presents the findings from the first phase of data analysis and community engagement, including three draft plans and maps depicting potential future […]
La comunidad de ERHS recibe nuevas canchas de baloncesto al aire libre

Sam Brin, hermano de Sergey Brin, uno de los fundadores de Google, donó $ 150,000 a la Asociación de Padres, Maestros y Estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Eleanor Roosevelt (ERHS por sus siglas en inglés) para la construcción de dos nuevas canchas de baloncesto al aire libre. Ambos hermanos Brin asistieron a ERHS después de […]
Volunteers Beautify Attick Park By Weeding, Planting Natives

This Earth Day Celebration was a community effort to restore native plant species to the environment around Buddy Attick Park on Saturday, April 24. Twenty-five volunteers worked for three hours with Public Works staff to remove weeds and invasive species, install native plants and mulch around planting areas. The volunteers planted 15 different species, said […]
Maestros de la escuela primaria SHL luchan contra el moho y el covid
El mantenimiento de la Escuela Primaria Springhill Lake, un edificio que se inauguró en 1966, es continuo. Excepto durante una pandemia cuando todo se detuvo. La falta de mantenimiento supuso que los maestros y el personal fueran recibidos con moho, falta de barandillas y la presencia de roedores, según las cartas y fotografías enviadas a […]