Greenbelt Climate Change Commitment Continues

In the aftermath of the United States withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, the City of Greenbelt would like to outline some of the many steps that it has taken to address climate change and reduce its carbon footprint over the last several years.

The City of Greenbelt has shown leadership by becoming certified through the Sustainable Maryland Certified Program, a prestigious designation which includes numerous environmentally friendly actions which will sustain the quality of life over the long term. To achieve this certification, the City of Greenbelt took community action by creating a Green Team that provides leadership by providing events and projects that promote and model environmental sustainability, educating city staff, elected officials and the community on practices that contribute to a green lifestyle.

In addition the City provides numerous voluntary opportunities for citizen engagement in watershed stewardship through: organic gardening, tree plantings, tree protection projects, invasive species removals and litter clean up events, zero waste events and composting. Last year 4,324 volunteer hours were served during environmentally friendly events and over 12 free workshops were held on topics such as composting, rain barrels and rain gardens.

Read more of this story in the June 8 News Review