Greenbelters Hold a Sister March in Roosevelt Center

Greenbelters Hold a Sister March in Roosevelt Center
Jay Davis with Marchers at the Women's March, photo by fellow marcher

In Roosevelt Center on January 21, a “sister march” gave Greenbelters a local venue to march in solidarity with Women’s Marches around the world. Marchers circled the plaza from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., approximately 20 altogether, solitarily and in groups, including toddlers and dogs, locals and even out-oftowners who were unable to get to D.C. March organizers provided drumming and singing to accompany the marchers. MakerSpace offered shelter when the weather looked challenging. Organizer Alicia Deligianis explained several goals for the event. “One was to give people a platform to march in Greenbelt. Another was to welcome discussion on what to do moving forward and the third was to welcome people to share how they are feeling and reflect.” Several marchers had been thwarted by crowds at the Metro but later managed to get downtown and so got to attend two marches. Participants talked about the history of Greenbelt, about women’s rights and shared their experiences of demonstrating in the past. “There were many beautiful moments,” Delgianis reflected. “Mothers encouraged their children to be involved, telling them they would want some day to say they were a part of this.”