Literacy Sparks Enthusiasm at Greenbelt Middle

Literacy Sparks Enthusiasm at Greenbelt Middle
Author Steven Macalester with 8th grader volunteers Ilham Kabir, Alejandro Martinez and Tina Pham. Photo by Courtland Jones

The March 17 literacy event at Greenbelt Middle School (GMS) brought out an enthusiastic crowd of students and parents, eager to get up and read a poem or speak about their favorite books. After a presentation by author Steven Macalester, a panel of 8th grade students and other special guests spoke passionately about the value of literacy. The showcase Greenbelt Middle School Literacy Showcase began with a performance by the award-winning Greenbelt Middle School orchestra, and ended with an impressive dance display by three students from the after-school dance program, along with a book giveaway. GMS Graphic Design teacher Cortland Jones coordinated the event, which was sponsored by It Takes Two, Inc. and ForBookLoversOnly