The News Review Gives Thanks

The News Review Gives Thanks

As the News Review celebrates its 84th birthday on November 24 and Thanksgiving on November 25, we take time to reflect on what we are thankful for.  First of all, we are grateful to live in a city whose administrators and residents care for those less fortunate than many of us. We donate to the funds set up by the city to assist residents facing eviction or financial hardship, and help pay monthly co-op fees for GHI residents in need. We contribute food or gift cards to the St. Hugh Food Pantry, set out food for pickup on our porches and donate sneakers and other personal items when requested. We support efforts to consider reparations for those treated unfairly since Greenbelt’s founding and to reform police policy and orders. And we get vaccinated and wear face masks without complaining – well, mostly – to reduce our chances of catching the coronavirus or spreading it to others. 

Next, we thank our readers who stick with us and support us when many newspapers are struggling, many have closed entirely, and when many people have turned to social media as their source of news. We know from your letters that you’re not always happy with us, but we are glad you see the News Review as a relevant outlet in which to express your views. Keep reading and writing to us!

We also thank the advertisers who help to keep the paper afloat. We hope your ads bring in business and help you as much as you help us. If so, spread the word to other business owners and encourage them to advertise in the News Review.

Finally, we thank our dedicated members who work tirelessly each week to get a paper together: Greenbelt residents – your neighbors – who volunteer their time for a few dollars each week (at most) to write stories, take photos, download incoming stories, review the letters submitted, work the ad desk, edit copy, proofread the drafts, get the papers on the doorsteps, etc. Somehow, we’ve managed to pull together enough of a team (if only a skeleton crew) every week for 84 consecutive years now. 

But, we’re aging! If you’re interested in playing a role in keeping your local newspaper running and supporting your community, please contact us at