Election 2021: Matt Inzeo Files for Council

Challenger Matthew Inzeo is the second candidate to submit his biography to this newspaper. His nomination forms have been certified by City Clerk Bonita Anderson. The biographies are prepared by the candidates.
Matthew Inzeo
My name is Matthew Inzeo and I am running for Greenbelt City Council.
Greenbelt has taught me citizenship. The values of our community served me in all aspects of my life.
The spirit of community is the hallmark of Greenbelt. I learned to swim at the Greenbelt Aquatic & Fitness Center and, later, had responsibility for others as a lifeguard. Greenbelt’s Little League taught me teamwork and sportsmanship as a child and I taught those values as a coach.
Commitment to service compelled me to become a police officer. Throughout my career I have walked a beat, working directly with the community. I have had the honor of receiving two lifesaving awards, one for saving a toddler from drowning and a second for aiding an elderly victim of gun violence.
Participation in the city council has been a part of my life since my youth. In high school, I served on the Youth Advisory Committee and helped with the planning and the youth input with the Greenbelt City Skate Park.
I have served on the Public Safety Advisory Committee. As a police officer, I am grateful to have helped put up the mile safety markers around Buddy Attick Park. Thanks to these markers, victims can better notify where they are so police can get to them quicker.
I partnered with the Rite Aid Foundation and KidCents Safe Kids Medication Disposal Program in installing a drug drop box, now located in front of the Greenbelt Police Station at 550 Crescent Road. This box is used to conveniently and safely dispose of unwanted, unused and expired prescription medication.
I serve on the Advisory Planning Board. The board and I are currently working on the issue of the new construction of a Royal Farms and the future plans for Beltway Plaza Mall.
As a child, I could not imagine the impact Greenbelt would have on my life. Today my wife and I can imagine no better place to raise our children. Conceived as a part of FDR’s New Deal, Greenbelt lives up to the promises of its founding. When I was a boy, my parents brought our family here to take part in those promises. I am running for Greenbelt City Council so that what began here in 1937 is fostered for all Greenbelters. I am running because I believe in Greenbelt.