This week, Jews throughout the world are celebrating the eight-days of Hanukkah. This joyous festival, nicknamed the Festival of Lights because of the nightly lighting of candles, commemorates the victory of the Jewish people led by the Maccabee family against the occupying Greek-Syrian army during approximately the second century BCE (Before the Common Era) and the rededication of the ruined and profaned Temple in Jerusalem. Mishkan Torah Synagogue will hold its own Hanukkah celebration at the synagogue on Sunday, December 9, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., the eighth and final night of the festival. The program will include lighting the Hanukkah candles and attendees are encouraged to bring their own candles and menorahs. A light meal will be served including the traditional Hanukkah latkes (potato pancakes). There will be entertainment and songs as well. The gala night will also celebrate the birthday of beloved octogenarian and Greenbelt resident Jordan Choper, who has been a member of Mishkan Torah since 1962 and a bulwark of the synagogue, serving previously as its president, among other positions. There will be a small charge at the door. The event is open to the public and all are welcome to come celebrate. One does not have to be Jewish to share the fun and joy of the season of Hanukkah or its universal message of religious freedom. Mishkan Torah is located at 10 Ridge Road. For more information visit the website or call 301-474-4223.