DON’T be a TURKEY! Thanksgiving Changes News Review Deadlines

Due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 24, the deadline for the News Review will have to change. Because printers are not available to print the paper Thanksgiving morning, the Thanksgiving issue is printed on Wednesday.  News Review Staffers work their regular shifts one week day earlier than usual too.

All deadlines are moved back a day so the paper can be printed before the holiday. On Thanksgiving week the deadline for stories, letters and camera ready ads will be Monday, November 21 at 8 p.m. Ads that need work must be in by Sunday, November 20 at 4 p.m. The usual Wednesday composition work and final proofing are done Tuesday evening.

All copy – ads, articles, photos, letters – must reach us no later than Monday, November 21 to be included in the November 24 issue. Any material received after Monday evening will be held for the issue of December 1.